Journal of Siberian Federal University

“Journal of Siberian Federal University” is the general name of the 5 bulletins and each bulletin has its own ISSN and is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communication, Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage, included into the system of the Russian list of journals indexed system as well as in “The list of the peer reviewed journal and bulletins where the major scientific results of the doctoral and candidate’s theses should be published”:

The Journal gives preference to the texts in the English language.

Articles are accepted via online submission system:

Old submission system version: (for articles submitted before 2021-03-09).

Vol. 18 (2025) readiness stage
JournalNot readyReady
Engineering and Technologies80
Humanities and Social Sciences120
Mathematics and Physics60
Number of Articles, 2008–2025
JournalNumber of Articles
Engineering and Technologies100
Humanities and Social Sciences100
Mathematics and Physics100
Number of Issues, 2008–2025
JournalNumber of Issues
Engineering and Technologies124
Humanities and Social Sciences187
Mathematics and Physics84

Introductory Word of the Editor-in-Chief

Michael Gladyshev —<br />Editor-in-Chief,<br/>Corresponding Member of RAS,<br/>Professor,<br />Institute of Biophysics SB RAS,<br/>Siberian Federal UniversityThe Siberian Federal University Journal was created in the first months after formation of the Siberian Federal University (SibFU) — the higher education institution of a new type, and it consists of five independent series. SibFU education is closely integrated with fundamental scientific researches and innovative applied technologies. As it is well-known, the main task of fundamental researches is to acquire new knowledge. In order the obtained knowledge can become a real phenomenon of the world scientific society it should be integrated into the international scientific-informational space. At present time, the main carriers of the newest qualitative scientific knowledge (among numerous informational noise resources) are special journals, being called as peer-reviewed. The main peculiarity of such journals is a “strict” reviewing of each article by several specialists of the given scientific sphere, specialists of a high international gravitas.

Precisely “strict” reviewing by at least two experts is the main requirement, being specified to the publications of the “SibFU Journal”. In most renowned international scientific journals, being issued by Elsevier, Springer and other publishing houses, there is a system of electronic on-line submission and reviewing of the articles. While presenting their articles by means of the electronic system, the authors are to mention from three to five international experts, who are potentially able to review their works. It is clear, that the editorial staff won’t blindly follow all the wishes of the authors as if they do not know any deserving reviewers. The main purpose of such a requirement is to find out beforehand, before the article is taken for reviewing, how much the authors of the presented work are competent in the given research sphere and what the level is they pretend for, proposing this or that scientist as a reviewer. Apparently, the editorial staff expects to see most authorized specialists among the potential reviewers, those who have world-wide known publications on the topic, being considered in the article.

Precisely this is the kind of system of articles electronic submission and reviewing through the Internet being used in the “SibFU Journal”. As far as we know, it is the first and for the time being the only electronic system in Russia. The articles, which have been already published in the first issues of the Journal and continue to be published, have been reviewed by world-known scientists from Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden, and other countries of the world. Possibility to send one’s work for reviewing to most gravitas scientists, whose publications are used as a basis by all the specialists of the given sphere, such a kind of possibility is the most important for young researchers. And the “SibFU Journal” affords such an opportunity. We meet with less than 5% refusals to our offers of works reviewing through the electronic on-line system.

It is clear, that the main language of publications, which are accepted to the “SibFU Journal”, is English. Nevertheless, the Journal is bi-lingual; it means that we afford the authors an opportunity to choose whom they address their articles to: the world scientific society, which speaks and writes English, which, at present time, is the international language, or by some reason they wish to limit their readership only by the Russian-speaking audience.

Each of five independent series of the Journal is multidisciplinary. Probably, we have announced a too wide field of science in the titles of the “SibFU Journal’s” series, and may be it is our shortcoming. It is true that most scientists do not have any physical opportunity to read all the literature, which concerns allied sciences and prefer to obtain necessary information form a limited number of most well-known highly specialized magazines. Though, at present time, the specialist does not have a possibility even to look through all the specialized resources as far as the flow of the scientific-technical information is growing like a snowball. That is why, in recent years electronic scientific libraries and informational databases become more and more important for personal choice of articles for reading and consideration. First of all, it is Web of Science, Scopus, Scholar Google, the Russian Electronic Library and others. In case one addresses to electronic scientific databases and libraries, one does not need to bear in mind the titles and the profiles of various journals. It is quite enough just to type the key words and the user gets all the information about all the articles of the necessary profile independently from the type of journals (specialized or multidisciplinary) these articles have been published in. For that purpose, a journal has to post PDF-files of its publications on the Internet, at the website of one of the international electronic libraries and informational databases. Electronic copies of all the articles, having been published in the “SibFU Journal”, are already posted on the website of the Russian Electronic Scientific Library, and also on the site of the Scholar Google and ProQuest databases. “Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics and Physics” was included in MathNet and Scopus databases, and the editorial board takes all the necessary actions to provide entry of all “Journal of Siberian Federal University” series into Scopus and Web of Science databases.

We are sure that the “SibFU Journal” affords its authors a brilliant opportunity for integration of their new fundamental results into the modern scientific-informational space.