Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies / Effectiveness Evaluation of Static Analysis for Searching Natural Semantic Defects of Program Objects

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2019 12 (1)
Victorov, Dmitry S.; Zhidkov, Roman E.
Contact information
Victorov, Dmitry S.: Military Academy of Aero-Space Defense named after the Marshal of Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov 50 Zhigareva Str., Tver, 170022, Russia; Zhidkov, Roman E.: Military Academy of Aero-Space Defense named after the Marshal of Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov 50 Zhigareva Str., Tver, 170022, Russia;
functional defects; static analysis; verification; natural semantic; analyzer; modeling

The paper evaluates the effectiveness of static analysis for searching a new type of functional defects called program objects natural semantic defects in terms of completeness and accuracy on the basis of the probability theory mathematical apparatus. Calculation of performance indicators is carried out by graph modeling of the defects localization variants in the software code constructions for various groups of operations (arithmetic, assignments, and comparisons). The possible state of the analyzer is modeled for each terminal situation on the basis of a priori known checking construction natural semantic result value statement (true trigger, conditionally true trigger, skip, and norm). The obtained dependencies allow to determine the feasibility of using static analysis to find considered defect’s type on the basis of statistical characteristics of software code

Paper at repository of SibFU

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