Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies / Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature in Krasnoyarsk and its Suburban Area Based on Landsat 8 Satellite Data

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2018 11 (8)
Matuzko, Aleksandra K.; Yakubailik, Oleg E.
Contact information
Matuzko, Aleksandra K.: Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS 50/44 Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia; ; Yakubailik, Oleg E.: Institute of computational modelling SB RAS Akademgorodok, 50/44, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russia;
urban heat island; Landsat; temperature anomalies; land surface temperature; thermal infrared imagery; Landsat

The problem of temperature anomalies is typical for all major cities in the world. Space thermal images are a powerful source of information for analyzing and determining outlines of temperature anomalies within a single territory. Determination of the nature and boundaries of temperature anomalies will help to understand the causes of the unfavorable ecological situation in Krasnoyarsk: where, in addition to high industrial emissions, atmospheric processes also exert their influence, which lead to the fact that impurities linger and concentrate over the city. The development of advanced space technologies allows the collection of a variety of diverse data more efficiently and at a lower cost than the organization of an appropriate ground network of observation posts and points. One of the most interesting and important indicators about the surface of the Earth is the land surface temperature. Land surface temperature is determined by the balance of incoming and outgoing energy. The main and overwhelming source of energy coming to the surface of the Earth is solar radiation. The 10th and 11th bands of Landsat 8 satellite measure thermal infrared radiation (TIR). The thermal infrared range is particularly useful for determining the temperature difference between the city and surrounding rural areas, and for studying the phenomenon of an urban heat island (UHI)

Paper at repository of SibFU

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