Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Prohibitions in the Social and Legal Regulation: an International Aspect

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2019 12 (12)
Mal’ko, Aleksandr V.; Khizhniak, Veronika S.
Contact information
Mal’ko, Aleksandr V.: Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law of the RAS 135 Tchernyshevskogo Str., Saratov, 410028, Russia; ; ORCID: 0000–0003–3204–9696; Khizhniak, Veronika S.: Saratov State Law Academy 104 Tchernyshevskogo Str., Saratov, 410056, Russia; ; ORCID:0000–0001–7261–515X
prohibitions; social regulation; international law; international relations

This work is focused on the problems arising in imposing prohibitions in international relations; the authors identify the main legal and social aspects hindering creation of effective mechanism for implementing prohibitions in international relations and enlist possible ways of eliminating the possible problems. The analysis of the international legal norms of institutionalizing prohibitions and practices of their implementation revealed that an effective implementation of prohibitions is often associated with the need to amend national legislation, as well as with the presence of Russia’s own legal norms that make it possible to apply the norms of international law in the state directly, or to apply them jointly with the norms of the national law. The absence of a universal international instrument governing the responsibility of states for breaching legal prohibitions makes it difficult to implement these prohibitions and comply with them, although states may follow the rules of the “Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts” as a document stating moral (political) prescriptions. The main problems cumbering the development of an effective mechanism for implementation of prohibitions are the following: the absence of agreed international and domestic legal mechanisms for implementation of prohibitions; the reluctance of states to bear responsibilities; the attempts to mitigate the prosecution of citizens, especially officials; and failures to take adequate legal measures for resolving the problem. The authors necessitate adoption of documents that could regulate the issues of international legal responsibility, though in a unipolar world it is very problematic and can even aggravate the situation. The mechanism developed under such conditions can reflect the position of only one state and therefore can result in consolidating an undesirable hierarchy of states in international relations. An effective legal mechanism of responsibility for the violation of prohibitions in international relations can arise only in a multipolar world. It is also necessary to abide the basic principles of international law, to strengthen international cooperation and improve the mechanisms of international legal regulation. These efforts also call forth the establishment of a multipolar world

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