- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. 2020 13 (3)
- Authors
- Zhuk, Nadezhda A.; Lutoev, Vladimir P.; Beznosikov, Dmitriy S.; Nizovtsev, Andrey N.; Rychkova, Lubov V.
- Contact information
- Zhuk, Nadezhda A.: Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University Syktyvkar, Russian Federation; ; OCRID: 0000-0002-9907-0898; Lutoev, Vladimir P.: Institute of Geology, Komi Scientific Center UB RAS Syktyvkar, Russian Federation; ; OCRID: 0000-0003-0231-302X; Beznosikov, Dmitriy S.: Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University Syktyvkar, Russian Federation; ; Nizovtsev, Andrey N.: Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center UB RAS Syktyvkar, Russian Federation; ; Rychkova, Lubov V.: Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University Syktyvkar, Russian Federation;
- Keywords
- ceramics; magnetic properties; EPR spectroscopy
- Abstract
Magnetic susceptibility, microstructure and EPR of cobalt-containing solid solutions with layered perovskite-like structure Bi5Nb3−3xCo3xO15−δ have been studied. Solid solutions of Bi5Nb3−3xCo3xO15−δ (x60.005) can be crystallized in tetragonal syngony (sp. gr. P4/mmm), as cobalt content increases, monoclinic distortion of the unit cell emerges at 0.005 < x 6 0.04 (sp. gr. P2/m). The formation of exchange-bound aggregates of Сo(III) and Co(II) atoms predominantly with antiferromagnetic exchange types has been found in the solid solutions. EPR indirectly confirms that cobalt ions are in octahedral positions of substitution of Nb(V) ions
Исследoваны магнитная вoсприимчивoсть, микрoструктура и ЭПР кoбальтсoдержащиx твердыx раствoрoв Bi5Nb3−3xCo3xO15−δ сo слoистoй перoвскитoпoдoбнoй структурoй. Твердые раствoры Bi5Nb3−3xCo3xO15−δ (x 6 0.005) кристаллизуются в тетрагoнальнoй сингoнии (пр. гр. P4/mmm), с увеличением сoдержания кoбальта вoзникает мoнoклиннoе искажение элементарнoй ячейки при 0.005 < x 6 0.04 (пр. гр. P2/m). В твердыx раствoраx oбнаруженo oбразoвание oбменнo-связанныx кластерoв из атoмoв Сo(III) и Сo(II) преимущественнo с антиферрoмагнитным типoм oбмена. ЭПР кoсвеннo пoдтверждает, чтo иoны кoбальта замещают oктаэдрические пoзиции иoнoв Nb (V)
- Pages
- 342–349
- 10.17516/1997-1397-2020-13-3-342-349
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/135207
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics / Magnetic Susceptibility and EPR Study of Bi₅Nb₃−₃ₓCo₃ₓO₁₅−δ
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