Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies / A Mathematical Approach to the Determination of the Propagation Speed of a Radio Signal

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2020 13 (3)
Popov, Igor P.
Contact information
Popov, Igor P.: Kurgan State University Kurgan, Russian Federation;
electromagnetic waves; velocity; transmitter; receiver

When determining the speed of a wave electromagnetic pulse, the source with the clock is fixedly set at the coordinate x0 = 0 of the coordinate system associated with it. At time t0 it emits a wave electromagnetic pulse. The receiver approaches the source with velocity v. The device clock, synchronized with the source clock, is set fixedly relative to the source at the coordinate x2. It registers the receiver passing through this coordinate at time t0. The device clock, synchronized with the clock source, is set fixedly relative to the source at the coordinate x1. It records both the receiver and pulse passing through this coordinate at time t1. According to the data of motionless observers, the speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum is composed of the tabular velocity of electromagnetic waves and the velocity difference of the source and receiver

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