Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Multivariance of the State Structure of Federalism (Comparative Historical and State Studies)

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2020 13 (10)
Gulyakov, Aleksandr D.
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Gulyakov, Aleksandr D.: Penza State University Russian Federation, Penza; ; ORCID: 0000-0002-6446-8142
federalism; federalism models; first settlement federalism; European federalism; stages of federalism development; comparative federalism

The article justifies the need for a historical-state study approach by analyzing the models of federalism inherent in different countries. The structural elements of any model include the prerequisites and reasons that contributed to federalization, essential characteristics of federalism (including the genesis characteristics, historical typology, development vector), the main stages of the federalism development. Using the systemic and comparative methods, as well as the example of three first settlement models inherent in the USA, Canada, Australia, one European (German) and Russian models, the author shows and explains the features of federalism in these countries. In particular, there are more favorable conditions for the formation of federations in the first settlement societies and the well-known difficulties of their establishment in Europe (on the example of Germany). The article demonstrates the ideologically innovative nature of Soviet federalism and the rational construction of Russian (post-Soviet) federalism, which has not abandoned a high degree of centralization. The materials presented in the article allow not only to outline new features of the state structure of federalism, but also contribute to the development of the concept for reforming federative relationships

Paper at repository of SibFU

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