Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Transition to the Concept of «Smart City» in the Regions of the Southern Federal District: a Correlation Matrix of Indicators of a Smart and Sustainable City

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2021 14 (12)
Akimova, Olga E.; Volkov, Sergey K.; Simonov, Sergey K.
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Akimova, Olga E.: Volgograd State Technical University Volgograd, Russian Federation; ; ORCID: 0000-0001-6967-7608; Volkov, Sergey K.: Volgograd State Technical University Volgograd, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-4852-145X; Simonov, Sergey K.: Volgograd State Technical University Volgograd, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-6771-8995
smart city; smart sustainable city; correlation matrix; digitalization; control nodes; cognitive map; correlation-regression analysis; Southern Federal District

A «smart city» is based on the indicators of a traditional «sustainable city», however, due to innovative development, it expands the elementary composition and complexity of system connections in a «sustainable city», updating, improving and gradually replacing it. In this regard, within the framework of this study, an attempt was made to identify indicators that can describe a «smart city», to determine the relationship of these indicators with each other, as well as to build a correlation matrix of links between indicators of a smart and sustainable city. The study was carried out using correlation-regression analysis using a linear correlation coefficient. The simulation results are presented for the regions of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation and allow us to draw conclusions about the use of the identified relationships in the management of the development of these regions. To determine the level of entry of a particular region into the digital space, indicators were identified that act as control nodes that allow you to manage the process of transition to the «smart» category and regulate the pace of the transition process itself. A comparative analysis of correlation matrices revealed a tendency towards a weakening of the dependence of the indicators of a «smart city» on indicators of a «sustainable city», which indicates a gradual transition of a territorial entity to the concept of a «smart city» and a gradual penetration of the results of scientific and technological progress and high technologies into various spheres of human life

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