Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Reflection of the Spiritual World of Nikita Grigorievich Stroganov in Church Art

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2022 15 (1)
Voroshin, Semyon D.
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Voroshin, Semyon D.: South Ural State University Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation;
russian art of the 16th‑17th centuries; the Stroganovs; ktitor activities; art patronage; formation of cultural identity; cultural codes of Russia in the late Middle

In this article the author examines the peculiarities of the personalities of the Stroganovs, entrepreneurs and patrons of the arts at the example of the Nikita Grigorevich. The main pivotal concepts that existed in the culture of the Late Middle Ages are determined, the channels of their transmission in society are indicated. To understand the factors that influenced his worldview and were reflected in the art of the Late Middle Ages, the theory of identity was chosen, which determines the involvement of a person in certain areas of culture at universal, national and regional level. This phenomenon is realized through the adoption of fundamental values characteristic of society. The translators of these values and cultural codes in Russia during the late Middle Ages were the church, chronicles and books, public and family institutions and art. The latter is able to convey semantic concepts through a system of images and symbols filled with emotions and forming a person’s involvement with the themes and ideas of the works. The author describes the influence of the fundamental ideas of that time on the formation N. G. Stroganov’s spiritual world. It’s identified cultural codes that shape the personality of entrepreneur and found their manifestation in the art he revered

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