Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Impact of Confessional Heterogeneity on Government Spending in the field of socio-cultural policy: Empirical Estimation of Russian Regions

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2022 15 (7)
Gravchikova, Alina A.
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Gravchikova, Alina A.: Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS Novosibirsk National Research State University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation;
religion; heterogeneity; polarization; trust; social capital; society; well–being; government spending; regions; Russia

In the modern world there are active different society interactions. However, there are questions of how this influences on the well–being level of society. The article research object is the regions of Russia. The article research subject is the regions confessional structure of Russia. The analysis used data from the Atlas of Religions and Nationalities of Russia, Arena (a non–profit research service “Environment”) and the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs. Two indicators assess religious diversity: the Simpson Diversity Index and the Esteban–Ray Polarization Index. The general conclusion of the religious diversity and polarization analysis is that, during the period under consideration, there was trend of its gradual spread. However, its level is high and has a negative impact on the general trust level of society and on the resource allocation efficiency. Regression analysis checked the correlation between religious heterogeneity and polarization and the well–being indicator. The government spends considered as an indicator of well–being. The hypotheses as follows: 1. religious diversity negatively affects the public spending level, 2. religious polarization negatively affects the public spending level. The econometric analysis confirmed the hypotheses

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