Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Transformations of the Socio-Economic Space in the Context of the Implementation of the “New Model” of the Development of the Russian Far East: an Industry Aspect

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2022 15 (7)
Faleychik, Larisa M.; Zabelina, Irina A.
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Faleychik, Larisa M.: Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS Chita, Russian Federation; ; ORCID: 0000-0003-2963-1992; Zabelina, Irina A.: Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS Chita, Russian Federation; ; ORCID: 0000-0003-4464-2593
Far Eastern macro-region; institutional changes; structural shifts; gross regional product; average annual number of employees; sectoral employment structure; investments in fixed capital; Ryabtsev index

The outstripping development of the Far Eastern macro-region of Russia is a task of a national scale. To solve it, a «new model» of the development for the Russian Far East was approved in 2013. Among the expected positive effects from the introduction of tools for accelerated development – an increase in the number and consolidation of the population in the Far East, the achievement of indicators of the quality of life and socio-economic development of the eastern regions exceeding the average Russian level, an increase in the share of the high-tech sector in the structure of the economy. In the context of studying the impact of institutional decisions taken, the authors estimate the intensity of structural shifts that occurred in the Eastern Russian regions’ economies in the periods before and after the start of the implementation of the «new model» of advanced development of the Russian Far East. The estimates were made using the Ryabtsev index. The analysis showed a relatively high intensity of changes in the sectoral distributions of investment in fixed capital and gross regional product (GRP) and insignificant changes in the employment structure. Investment related to the implementation of the new policy has not yet transformed into an improvement in the structure of the economy of the considered regions and the expected shifts in the sectoral structure of employment in the direction of sectors associated with high-tech production have not occurred. Comparative analysis of the GRP structure showed the consolidation of the raw material nature of development in many regions of the East of Russia. Despite some positive changes in economic and investment activity in recent years, it was not possible to overcome the unfavorable trends in the demographic situation. Both the number and the share of the working-age population are declining; the number of the economically active population employed in the real economy is also declining

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