Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies / Characteristics of Strobeless Identification of Trajectories of Air Objects in Positioning and Radar Identification

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2022 15 (3)
Zhironkin, Sergey B.; Pshenitsyn, Andrey A.; Bliznyuk, Alexander A.
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Zhironkin, Sergey B.: VKO Military Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgiy Zhukov Tver, Russian Federation; ; Pshenitsyn, Andrey A.: VKO Military Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgiy Zhukov Tver, Russian Federation; Bliznyuk, Alexander A.: VKO Military Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgiy Zhukov Tver, Russian Federation
strobeless identification; coordinate-connected identification; radar identification; optimal filtering; Kalman filter

The characteristics of identification of data of special (military) automatic dependent and radar observations of air objects during their coordinate-connected identification are presented. The characteristics are obtained as a result of statistical simulation of the algorithm for strobeless identification of trajectories, synthesized by a method based on the theory of optimal filtering of discrete-continuous Markov random processes. These characteristics are compared with the characteristics of strobeless and strobe identification in radar identification

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