- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2023 16 (2)
- Authors
- Dyachenko, Alexander P.; Taran, Georgy S.
- Contact information
- Dyachenko, Alexander P.: Urals State Pedagogical University Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0003-4598-6419; Taran, Georgy S.: West-Siberian Division of V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, SB RAS Branch of FRC «Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center» SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; ; ORCID: 0000-0003-3365-402X
- Keywords
- Bryum violaceum; Physcomitrella patens; Bryum violaceum; Physcomitrella patens; alluvial bryophyte communities; bryosociology; Braun-Blanquet approach; primary succession
- Abstract
In Russia, the bryophyte vegetation included in the alliance Physcomitrellion patentis von Hübschmann 1957 (Funarietalia hygrometricae von Hübschmann 1957, Psoretea decipientis Mattick ex Follmann 1974) has been studied very little. Until recently, only one syntaxon of the alliance has been known in Russia, namely the subassociation Riccio cavernosae-Physcomitrelletum patentis (Allorge 1921) von Hübschmann 1957 riccietosum frostii Cortini Pedrotti et Aleffi 1990, which rarely occurs in northern Italy (locus classicus), but is common on the banks of the Ob and Irtysh in the taiga zone of Western Siberia. In 2021, in the south of the southern taiga section of the Ob River (Krivosheinsky District of the Tomsk Region, in the vicinity of the Kaibasovo Research Station), the authors studied original bryocoenoses with high abundances of Physcomitrella patens and Bryum violaceum using the Braun-Blanquet approach. These bryocoenoses are described as a new association of the Physcomitrellion patentis: Bryetum argenteo-violacei Dyachenko et Taran ass. nov. The diagnostic species of the association are Bryum violaceum, Dicranella varia, and Barbula convoluta. In six relevés, 16 species of mosses and 1 species of liverworts were revealed. The average moss projective cover is 80 %, the average species richness is 11 bryophyte species per relevé. In years when the water level is high during the low water period, the subassociation Riccio cavernosae-Physcomitrelletum patentis riccietosum frostii dominates the alluvial bryophyte vegetation in the study area. In years when the water level is extremely low during the low water period, the coenoses of the Riccio-Physcomitrelletum riccietosum frostii in higher parts of the bank are replaced by coenoses of the association Bryetum argenteo-violacei. For the first time, bryocoenoses with high constancy and abundance of Bryum violaceum have been found not on arable lands, as is observed in European countries, but in natural ecotopes
- Pages
- 149–163
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/150835
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