Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology / Ecological Features of Pollen Dispersal in Populations of Pinus brutia var. pityusa (Steven) Silba Mountain Crimea

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2023 16 (2)
Koba, Vladimir P.; Korenkova, Olesya O.; Makarov, Nikita A.
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Koba, Vladimir P.: The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the RAS Russian Federation, Yalta; ORCID: 0000-0002-2144-0836; Korenkova, Olesya O.: The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the RAS Russian Federation, Yalta; ; ORCID: 0000-0001-6482-7312; Makarov, Nikita A.: The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the RAS Russian Federation, Yalta; ORCID: 0009-0009-0536-4747
P. brutia var. pityusa; P. brutia var. pityusa; populations; phenology; pollen; distribution; reproductive system

Pollen emission and dispersal is the major stage of the reproductive cycle of anemophilous plants critical for sustaining their natural populations. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of pollen determine the efficiency of seed formation, stability of generational change and maintenance of intraspecific diversity. This paper studies the process of pollen flight in connection with the dynamics of growth conditions in natural populations of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountains. Methods of forest inventory and phenological observations were used. Some features of the pollen emission phenophase in the western and eastern coastal habitats of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountains were revealed. It has been established that in the natural populations of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountains, the onset of pollination occurs in late April – early May. In the western areas, this process begins earlier in comparison with the eastern ones. It was revealed that the pollination phenophase changes with an increase in the altitude of the forest stands; in the upper zone, it occurs later and increases in duration. The sum of active temperatures above 5° at the beginning of P. brutia var. pityusa pollination in its coastal growth area varies within 467°–493° in the western territories, and from 418° to 439° in the eastern territories. Based on the analysis of the long-term data on average monthly temperatures in spring, trends to their increase were revealed. The total increase in the average monthly temperature in April was 1.3° in the western territories based on 190 years of observations, and in the eastern territories this parameter has increased by 2.0° over 140 years. A significant change in the temperature regimen within a lifespan of individual trees affects the state and demographic structure of populations. A further increase in temperature can cause phenological divergence – a shift of the bioecological optimums of pollen flight and the receptive phase of the female cone for an unpredictable time period, which reduces the chances of implementing the subsequent stages of the reproductive cycle. Taking into account these phenomena, a critical situation is currently developing in the eastern part of the natural populations of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountains

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