- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2023 16 (2)
- Authors
- Makeeva, Nataliya A.; Kolmogorova, Elena Yu.; Ufimtsev, Vladimir I.
- Contact information
- Makeeva, Nataliya A.: Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS Kemerovo, Russian Federation; natykor@bk.ru; ORCID: 0000-0002-1971-4068; Kolmogorova, Elena Yu.: Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS Kemerovo, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-5703-7168; Ufimtsev, Vladimir I.: Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS Kemerovo, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0001-5854-5802
- Keywords
- crown closure; phytogenic zone; biological activity; soil microorganisms; micromycetes; invertase; protease; phosphatase
- Abstract
The biological activity of soil is influenced by numerous factors, such as hydrothermal regime, acidity, physical and agrochemical properties of the soil, etc. In tree stands, such factors can also include the degree of crown closure. The present study reports data on indicators of biological activity of the soil: the abundance of microorganisms and the activity of soil enzymes in stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with various degrees of crown closure. The research was carried out in the Kuzbass Botanical Garden, located in the left-bank part of the city of Kemerovo, along the riverside of the Tom River (near Lake Sukhovsky), east of the existing and future ensembles of the developing city center. The material of the study was soil in P. sylvestris stands of age class 2 (28–35 years) with different degrees of closure of the crown canopy: sparsely closed (20–30 %), medium–closed (50–60 %), and highly closed (80–90 %). Under-crown and inter-crown zones were established on each site, and an external zone was additionally established on sparsely closed study site. The soil was not polluted, had a neutral reaction of the medium, and contained average amounts of mobile phosphorus and potassium compounds. The study showed that the abundance of soil microorganisms was determined by soil moisture content. The following trends were revealed in the relationship between biological activity and the degree of closure of pine stands: the highest content of invertase and protease was observed in the under-crown zone of the sparsely and medium-closed pine stands. The soil in the inter-crown zone of highly closed stands was the most abundant in microorganisms that utilize organic forms of nitrogen and microorganisms that decompose mineral forms of nitrogen
- Pages
- 178–192
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/150837
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