Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / The Readiness of the Population to Introduce a Pharmaceutical Insurance System in Kazakhstan

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2023 16 (11)
Volkova, Olga A.; Spankulova, Lazat S.; Mukhamediev, Bulat M.
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Volkova, Olga A.: Institute of Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russian Federation; Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department Moscow, Russian Federation; ; Spankulova, Lazat S.: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; Mukhamediev, Bulat M.: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
availability of medical care; medical insurance; pharmaceutical provision

Subject of the study: a set of factors affecting the readiness of citizens to introduce a new pharmaceutical insurance system in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the work: to study the readiness of the population of Kazakhstan to introduce a pharmaceutical insurance system with 50 % state co-financing. In 2022, the authors of the article within the framework of the project “Development of a quantitative methodology for identifying population groups ready to support the introduction of pharmaceutical insurance and assessment of the financial stability of this type of insurance in Kazakhstan” (AP09259811) gave a socio-economic justification for the feasibility of introducing pharmaceutical insurance in the republic, and also developed a methodology and tools for applied scientific study. The article presents the results of a mass survey of the population. Sample: 5,819 people from 17 regions of Kazakhstan (multi-stage, quota sampling). To process and analyze the survey data, the following methods were used: computer analysis of primary sociological data (SPSS 25.0), statistical analysis, comparative analysis, classification, grouping. The factors influencing the readiness of the population of Kazakhstan to introduce a new pharmaceutical insurance system to varying degrees have been identified and classified: 1) subjective approval; 2) financial capabilities; 3) health status; 4) socio-demographic characteristics. The population of Kazakhstan is characterized by an average degree of readiness for the introduction of a new pharmaceutical insurance system (43.9 %). However, 37.7 % of respondents do not have a clearly formed positive or negative opinion. Empirical data confirm the low awareness of the population on the topic of health insurance in general. The results can be applied in the work of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More precisely, they can be integrated into the pharmaceutical insurance system (namely, into compulsory and private health insurance programs). The study showed the feasibility of introducing a new pharmaceutical insurance system in Kazakhstan with 50 % state co-financing. The optimal implementation and sustainability of the new system will be facilitated by the development of alternative personally oriented insurance kits designed for people, firstly, with different income levels, and secondly, with an individual risk of the occurrence and complications of diseases, as well as the onset of disability. For the successful implementation of the new system, the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan is recommended to expand educational work among the population of the republic in the field of compulsory and voluntary health insurance

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