Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies / Analysis of the Coefficient of the Nonlinearity Coefficient for the Frequency Instability of the Characteristics of the Oscillatory Circuit at Power Resonance Using the MATLAB Application Package

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2023 16 (7)
Dorofeev, Grigory V.; Starodubtsev, Pavel A.; Nagaeva, Marina V.
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Dorofeev, Grigory V.: Pacific Higher Naval School named after S. O. Makarov Vladivostok, Russian Federation; ; Starodubtsev, Pavel A.: Pacific Higher Naval School named after S. O. Makarov Vladivostok, Russian Federation; Nagaeva, Marina V.: Pacific Higher Naval School named after S. O. Makarov Vladivostok, Russian Federation; Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University Vladivostok, Russian Federation
MATLAB; power resonance; oscillatory circuit; harmonic balance method; the nonlinearity coefficient; amplitude ambiguity; hysteresis; MATLAB

This article presents a theoretical calculation of the behavior of an oscillatory circuit in force resonance, taking into account the influence of nonlinear circuit elements. The presence of nonlinear elements in the circuit of the oscillatory circuit directly affects the frequency characteristics, thereby neglecting their features, frequency and amplitude fluctuations appear. To analyze the effect of the element nonlinearity coefficient on the frequency characteristics, a program was written in the MATLAB application software package

Paper at repository of SibFU

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