- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2023 16 (8)
- Authors
- Bozarov, Oybek O.; Kuchkarov, Akmaljon A.; Egamberdiyev, Hamidillo A.; Kuchkarova, Maxmuda A.
- Contact information
- Bozarov, Oybek O. : Tashkent State Technical University named after I. A. Karimov Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan; Kuchkarov, Akmaljon A.: Fergana Polytechnic Institute Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan; ; Egamberdiyev, Hamidillo A.: Fergana Polytechnic Institute Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan; Kuchkarova, Maxmuda A.: Fergana State University Fergana, Republic of Uzbekistan
- Keywords
- nozzle; Jet turbine; Microhydropower systems; low pressure; Segner Wheel
- Abstract
The article presents theoretical analyses and results of experimental tests of a jet-nozzle hydro turbine developed on the basis of the “Segner wheel”, which works effectively at low water pressures, that is, at water sources with a head of 1.6 meters and above. In 1754, L. Euler told his opinion about the speed and high efficiency of a hydraulic turbine based on the “Segner wheel”. Experiments have shown that the efficiency of the created jet turbine at a 2-meter water pressure was 62.05 % and turned out to be 5.5 % less than the results of theoretical calculations. With an increase in water pressure, the efficiency increased to 74 %. With a water pressure of 2 meters and a water flow rate of 0.2 m 3/s, the rotation speed of the hydraulic turbine was 144 rpm. Such hydraulic turbines are very convenient to use in water sources with a low pressure of 2–5 meters due to the low cost, the payback period is small
- Pages
- 932–943
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/152318
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