Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Sacred Space and Temple Architecture of Pre- Revolutionary Yeniseisk: Formation and Development

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2023 16 (12)
Dvoretskaya, Anna P.; Slabukha, Aleksander V.; Pikov, Nikita O.
Contact information
Dvoretskaya, Anna P.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; ; Slabukha, Aleksander V. : Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; ; Pikov, Nikita O.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation;
sacred space; temple architecture; Siberian Baroque; monuments of Yeniseisk; temples of Siberia; history of architecture of Yeniseisk

The research is a part of a project to study the sacred space of the Yenisei North. The report analyzes for the first time the process of formation of the sacred space of Yeniseisk, changes in its symbolic and informational load during the pre-revolutionary period of history on the basis of a complex of published and unpublished sources of eyewitness accounts of events, printed publications. The article describes the subject of the study – the ensemble of Orthodox churches of the city as the rarest monument of urban heritage. It is emphasized that the principles of the formation of the sacred landscape were largely influenced by the traditions of the Russian European North, when creating architectural and planning composition, references to Arkhangelsk are clearly visible, which allows the authors to apply a comparative approach and a comparative typological method in the article. It is concluded that the efforts of many generations of believers in Yeniseisk have developed a unique complex of temple architecture of the Yeniseisk Siberian Baroque schools. Simultaneously with the materialization of sacred space objects, a unique religious and cultural code was formed in the city, which consisted of traditions, rituals, and a life cycle. This historical and cultural reconstruction will contribute to the preservation of the historical and architectural heritage of Yeniseisk, the formation of ideas about it as a historical city, the restoration and partial museification of the lost religious environment

Paper at repository of SibFU

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