Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Anti-Crime Policy as a New Paradigm for Interaction Between Society and the State

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2024 17 (1)
Damm, Irina A.
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Damm, Irina A.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation;
crime; politics; fight; prevention; counteracting crime; public policy; criminal policy; anti-crime policy

Crime is a complex social and legal phenomenon, the impact on which by criminal legal means alone cannot achieve the goals of its prevention. This thesis is not deemed controversial, but for many centuries the search for effective models of influencing crime in order to protect objects of criminal legal protection from criminal attacks has not been successful. The crime prevention system remains focused on ensuring the inevitability of punishment, but not on preventing harm to significant social values. Modern criminal policy is in a state of crisis, which is recognized by leading domestic scientists, and such a crisis should become a catalyst for a new round of scientific research. One of the promising areas of research studies is the knowledge of the systemic and structural characteristics of interaction between society and the state in matters of combating crime. In the established scientific tradition, the main subject of criminal policy is the state, due to its authority to determine criminal law prohibitions and ensure the inevitability of punishment for their violation. However, in preventive activities, not only coercive measures, but also incentive measures should be used in a balanced manner. In turn, society and its structures are significant subjects in the implementation of measures to stimulate lawful behavior, as well as to prevent criminal manifestations. The joint management activities of society and the state form a policy to combat crime. Accordingly, in the structure of the anti-crime policy, interconnected elements are the state anti-crime policy and the public anti-crime policy. These policies are interconnected and interdependent, but not identical. History shows that state policy can contradict the interests of society and lead to various social upheavals (wars, revolutions, genocide and others), which are characterized by qualitative and quantitative changes in the state of crime. Special scientific attention should be given to the issues of understanding the reserves of society and its structures in influencing crime, as well as the search for ways of interaction between society and the state in determining the policy of combating crime, including criminal law policy

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