Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Trigger Statements as an Object of Linguistic Research: The Problem of Definition and Its Identification Criteria

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2024 17 (5)
Kopnina, Galina A.; Rowe (Zabrodina), Anastasiia N.; Tsaturyan, Greta A.
Contact information
Kopnina, Galina A.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; Rowe (Zabrodina), Anastasiia N.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation;
trigger; trigger statement; linguistic markers of trigger

In the humanities, any objects, phenomena or events that influence the behavior of people or society as a whole are called triggers. The concept of “trigger” is used in relation to language and speech more often. In linguistics, the term “trigger” is used to denote something that contributes to the emergence of a new meaning, determines the development of the plot, generates an acute negative reaction, etc. Thus, the concept turns out to be ambiguous. Taking into account the conceptual provisions of psycholinguistics on the essence of speech influence, the mental nature of evaluation, the emergence of emotions and their role in the formation of motives, as well as based on the analysis of speech material, the authors of the article define the main criteria for identifying trigger statements: focus on emotions as the main target of influence; the value component or message contained in the statement; the evaluative nature of the reaction the addressee and its situational-contextual conditionality; functional potential associated with the influence on the worldview and behavior of the addressee. As a conclusion, the following definition of a trigger statement is given: a statement identified taking into account the addressee’s evaluative reaction, causing them in a certain con-situation such value associations and emotional experiences that can contribute to their rethinking of a particular event/phenomenon and thereby motivate them to commit any action, deed

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