Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / The Effectiveness of a Progressive System of Serving a Sentence in the Form of Imprisonment: Psychological and Legal Aspects

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2024 17 (6)
Savushkin, Sergei M.; Khramov, Alexandr A.; Agabekian, Alla L.
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Savushkin, Sergei M.: Tomsk Institute of Advanced Training of Employees of Federal Penal Service of Russia Tomsk, Russian ; Khramov, Alexandr A.: Kuzbass Institute of Federal Penal Service of Russia Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation; ; Agabekian, Alla L. : National Research Tomsk State University Tomsk, Russian Federation;
progressive system of serving punishment; differentiation and individualization of execution of punishment; criteria of progressive system; effectiveness of correction

The effectiveness of a progressive system of execution (serving) sentence in the form of imprisonment from the legal and psychological point of view is rarely analysed in the literature. Meanwhile, taking into account the fact that the Concept of Development of Penal Execution System of the Russian Federation until 2030 establishes the need to improve educational and psychological work with inmates aimed at their correction, the determination of effectiveness of certain elements of progressive current (and possibly future) system of serving imprisonment may be of importance for implementation of state penal policy. In this paper, based on the analysis of official statistical data, the results of the ninth census of persons sentenced to imprisonment, as well as the interviews with practitioners, it is concluded that the “progressive” system of serving imprisonment in Russia today not only does not take into account the criminological characteristics of convicts, but also does not correspond to the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the state and the recommendations of international acts in the field of execution of punishments. The paper questions the approach existing in the domestic theory and law enforcement practice, in which the progressiveness of the system of serving punishment is reduced only to changes in individual elements of detention conditions (increase in the number of parcels, transfers, visits to spend money, etc.) or the type of correctional institution. Such criteria, as the conducted study has shown, in the absence of kinship and other useful ties among inmates undermine the whole meaning of the system and the effectiveness of correctional and preventive measures along with it. As a result, there is a hypothesis that the construction of the system of execution (serving) of imprisonment should be based on the symbiosis of “regime-care”, “regime-safety” and consistent expansion of dispositive principles of criminal-executive law. The latter include, in particular, the possibility to wear civilian clothes, use the internet and improve the food ration (e.g. on lighter conditions)

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