Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies / Disposal of Used Petroleum Products and Conditioning of Waste Water Based on Cavitation Technology in Circumpolar Territories

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2024 17 (4)
Kulagina, Tatiana A.; Zaitseva, Elena N.; Dubrovskaya, Olga G.; Kulagina, Ludmila V.
Contact information
Kulagina, Tatiana A.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; Zaitseva, Elena N.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; Dubrovskaya, Olga G.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; Kulagina, Ludmila V.: Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation;
oily waste; wastewater; recycling; cavitation impact; energy resources; natural environment

The problem of intensive development of the riches of Siberia and the North has become fundamentally relevant for Russia due to the depletion of the main explored reserves of natural resources in its European part. Accelerated development of the North and the Arctic, including the coast and shelf of the Arctic seas, aimed at strengthening the economic potential of Russia, means the development of basic industries (mining, oil and gas) with the creation of appropriate infrastructure. According to statistics, only about 0.3 % of the world’s water resources can be obtained from rivers, lakes or available groundwater resources. Rapid growth in industrialization, especially in parts of Asia, is leading to severe pollution of rivers and aquifers due to unsustainable use of available resources. Thanks to the rapid development of water transport and intensive exploitation of liquid hydrocarbon reserves such as oil, the number of accidents and emergencies that initiate pollution of open water bodies is growing. The environmental and economic damage from oil spills in inland rivers is especially high due to their special geographical location and the extreme toxicity of the mixture of hydrocarbons. In this regard, the task of ensuring technogenic, environmental and energy safety of complex technical facilities and circumpolar regions as a whole comes to the fore. The rational and economical use of petroleum products is of particular importance. This applies, among other things, to all known types of oils: motor, industrial, compressor, transformer, turbine and others. Waste oils entering the natural environment are only partially removed or rendered harmless as a result of natural processes. The main part of them is a source of pollution of soils, soils, water bodies and atmospheric air, and leads to disruption of the reproduction of birds, fish, mammals, and has a harmful effect on humans. The main objective of this study, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of industrial enterprises on the natural environment, is the disposal and recycling of all types of waste from primary production. It is shown that the efficiency of recycling waste oils and other petroleum products in the Far North, taking into account environmental protection, requires a differentiated approach to the problem, taking into account the climate and accessibility of Arctic territories, as well as the use of cavitation technology

Paper at repository of SibFU

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