Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology / Microevolutionary Relationships Between the Siberian Species Elymus margaritae, E. komarovii, and E. transbaicalensis (Poaceae) Based on Sequencing of the Nuclear Gene GBSS 1 (waxy) and Hybridization

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2024 17 (3)
Agafonov, Alexander V.; Shabanova (Kobozeva), Elena V.; Asbaganov, Sergey V.
Contact information
Agafonov, Alexander V. : Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-1403-5867; Shabanova (Kobozeva), Elena V. : Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-6566-9325; Asbaganov, Sergey V. : Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-7482-7495
Elymus; Poaceae; speciation; hybridization; inheritance; taxonomy; Elymus; Poaceae

A comparative study of the sequence of the low-copy nuclear gene waxy (granule-bound starch synthase 1, GBSS 1) fragments was carried out in samples of closely related species Elymus margaritae, E. komarovii, and E. transbaicalensis from the Altai Mountains and the Eastern Sayan Mountains. An assessment of microevolutionary relationships between the species was carried out by constructing ML dendrograms based on gene fragments in two versions: a) separately for exons with introns from exons 9 to 14; b) only in introns between exons 9 and 14. The study showed that the variants of the St subgenomes in the E. margaritae AUK-0650 accession, the E. komarovii GAR-0501 accession, and three E. transbaicalensis accessions are located in a common branch (clade) and belong to the Asian ancestral line St1 of the genus Pseudoroegneria along with the subgenomes in the E. gmelinii and E. pendulinus species. The only identified variant of the St subgenome in E. margaritae GUK-1709 is located in a clade that includes a group of species with St2 subgenomes close to the North American lineage of Ps. spicata. The species studied in this research did not show any noticeable differences in differentiation of the H subgenome. The dynamics of seed fertility (SF) values in generations F1–F2 was as follows: a) SF of hybrids of E. margaritae GUK-1709 and AUK-0650 biotypes corresponded to intraspecific relationships at the α1 level, despite the distance between their GBSS 1 clones; b) SF values in the E. margaritae GUK-1709 × E. komarovii GAR-0501 cross variant corresponded to sexual compatibility at the α2 level; c) reproductive compatibility between E. margaritae GUK-1709 and two biotypes of E. transbaicalensis showed different results. In the GUK-1709 × AUL-1742 combination, the hybrids turned out to be completely sterile, while in the GUK-1709 × AUR-1713 combination, the results were consistent with intraspecific relationships. The basis for classifying biotype AUR-1713 as a short-awned morphotype of the species Elymus margaritae is discussed

Paper at repository of SibFU

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