Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic Development and Digital Competencies Learning Scales in Russian Regions

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2024 17 (12)
Korshunov, Ilya A.; Eregina, Anna G.; Shirkova, Natalia N.
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Korshunov, Ilya A. : National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russian Federation; Eregina, Anna G.: National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russian Federation; ; Shirkova, Natalia N. : National Research University Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russian Federation;
adult education and training; continuing education; regional economy; economic development; digital competencies; gross regional product per capita; wage level

The study is based on Russian Federal State Statistics Service data, that characterizes the Russian Federation regions’ wage level, the gross regional product per capita volume, national information on the scale of training students in Continuing vocational education programs, as well as data on the implementation of the federal project “Employment Promotion” (National Project – “Demography”). A thematic analysis of the implemented programs in the context of regions and industries allows to conclude that vocational digital competencies provide a greater contribution to regional development than basic ones. The correlation between the scale of citizens’ education in digital economy programs and the regional economic development. Probably the sectoral structure of the region’s economy has a significant impact on the correlation degree, since it can be traced with a predominance of industries with a high level of digitalization. The results of the study can be used in planning investment projects, improving socio- economic and investment policy in the region

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