Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Impact of Economic Shocks on the Russian Reproduction System

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2024 17 (12)
Aleshina, Olga A.; Zhironkin, Sergey A.; Gasanov, Magerran A.
Contact information
Aleshina, Olga A. : Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; Zhironkin, Sergey A.: Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk, Russian Federation; ; Gasanov, Magerran A. : Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk, Russian Federation
reproduction system; economic shocks; investment; innovation; advanced production technologies; structural policy

The impact of external shocks on the Russian economy, which have intensified significantly in the last decade, has a negative impact not only on the dynamics, but also on the structure of the economy, causing negative shifts in its “core” – the reproduction system. The slowdown in the processes of capital accumulation and the involvement of private savings in this process, the increasing dependence on government spending and technology imports, the reduction in the share of profits and taxes in the business sector in the creation of GDP – all that undermines the basis of long-term economic growth and increases its susceptibility to external shocks. The purpose of the study is to identify “problem” areas in the structure of the economic reproduction system – processes that are most susceptible to the effects of non-cyclical negative phenomena – shocks, and through this determine the resistance of the entire system to them, in order to identify adequate directions for structural policy. The article confirms the decisive role of gross capital formation, the involvement of private savings in investment, the formation of entrepreneurial profits, and the investment of national advanced production technologies in protecting the reproduction system and, through it, the entire economy from increasing external shocks and sanctions. The article proposes the main directions of an integrated structural policy – comprehensive stimulation of private investment, increasing the efficiency of production factors by accelerating the creation of the transfer of new technologies and renewal of fixed capital, promoting the export of technologies for the “markets of the future”

Paper at repository of SibFU

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