Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Migration Issues at the Present Time: Experience and Prospects

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (3)
Yuskova, Marina A.; Potemkin, Igor N.
Contact information
Yuskova, Marina A.:Russian Federal Migration Service of the Krasnoyarsk Kray Krasnoyarsk, 660000, Russia; Potemkin, Igor N.:Russian Federal Migration Service of the Krasnoyarsk Kray Krasnoyarsk, 660000, Russia; E-mail:
migration policy; natural population growth; integration policies; labor migration; internal migration; enclave

International migration in modern society is a substantially significant phenomenon in terms of size, socio-economic and political consequences for countries and regions. Migration policy is defined as a set of measures taken by the state and society for the regulation of migration, adaptation and integration of immigrants to the benefit of the state and society. One of the main objectives of the migration policy is to regulate migration flows in order to stimulate economic development, taking into account demographic situation and labor market development. The following factors stimulate global migration flows: demographic indicators, volume of labor resources, high unemployment rates, unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological conditions, chronic poverty, ethnic conflicts and local wars, as well as awareness of the poorest countries of their plights compared to the situation in Western countries. Migration Legislation, in the recent history of the Russian Federation, purposefully started to form in 1992. It works as a body of law regulating migration processes in society, including relations connected with the implementation of rights of migrants and ensuring the implementation of migration policies by the state bodies. In order to adjust and control migration flows Russia has taken the integration type of the policy

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