Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Religious Self-Identification of Charismatic Churches Believers (On the Material of the Krasnoyarsk Region)

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2010 3 (3)
Skorobogatova, Irina V.
Contact information
Skorobogatova, Irina V. : Russian christian academy for the humanities , 15 Fontanka, Saint-Petersburg, 191023 Russia , e-mail:
the Charismatic movement; Pentecostalism; Protestantism; Charismatism

For today, the Charismatic branch of the modern Russian Protestantism is one of the most dynamically developed religious movements in Russia. In the given article we analyze factors, which form a subjective motivation of the charismatic believers in the process of their religious self-identification. The following research proves that being the main line of the charismatic ideology, priority of the personal religious experience contributes to the integration of believers into a protestant environment without individuals obligatory inclusion into the system of institutionalized religious practices, and satisfies not only religious, but also social demands of the believers.

Paper at repository of SibFU

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