Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Historiografic Overview of Approaches and Concepts Regarding the Issue of the Migration in International and Russian Research of the 20th Century

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2010 3 (3)
Zamaraeva, Julia S.
Contact information
Zamaraeva, Julia S. : Siberian Federal University , 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia , e-mail:
migration; concepts of the migration; methods of the migration processes studies; cultural studies of the migration

The migration has determined the epoch of the 20th century [14] and allowed the intercultural communication to be fulfilled. As a result, many cultural groups faced a dilemma: to continue their local existence in order to preserve their unique native culture in history or to dissolve into multicultural social communities to produce new formations improved by means of the synthesis. This problem of choice has in many ways determined the particular features of modern science in the sphere of the migration research. Applied research, instruments, methods and methodologies, typologies and classifications, as well as theories have appeared in order to understand the nature of its existence. The main objective of this research is to overview the historiography of the migration, to determine the main features and trends of the 20th-21st century cultural phenomenon development. The main hypothesis is that the existence of a process is always provided for by the dialectics of the development of two tendencies: acculturation or locality. The qualities of both tendencies are determined at the border of interaction of different ethnic groups when the ethnic self consciousness becomes actual and the possibility for the dialogue between cultures appears. The result of such interaction becomes the displayed dominant of one of the tendencies at one or another period of history. The key ideas: the migration, historiography of the migration, theory of the migration and cultural studies. According to the etymology and numerous definitions the "migration" exists in the meaning of transfer [4] and is determined as a process and as a result at one and the same time. As the result the migration is the permanent possibility of building interaction-dialogue between the participants within the space of which the crystallization of the both parties' features appears. As the result, the temporary stability appears which then is ruined for the sake of new social interactions and new cultural values formation. The "theory of migration" is determined by a number of specific features, mainly author's, of the migration research theories that appeared during the 20th century in international and Russian research and have determined different opinions regarding this phenomenon. The idea of "historiography of migration" is the scientifically set approaches and concepts which record the ontological phenomena of migration in history. The concept of "cultural studies" refers to theoretical and applied research in which this or that phenomenon of the human life under study is analyzed as a cultural phenomenon. For the modern stage of science development culture studies are in great demand [3] while due to them it is possible to crystallize the nature of culture, analyze in details all its levels, give the precise idea of peculiarities of each culture. Prospective methodological approaches to cultural studies are based on the synthesis of practical and experimental methods and theoretical understanding of the research results.

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