- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2010 3 (1)
- Authors
- Протасов, А.А.; Protasov, Alexander А.
- Contact information
- Протасов, А.А. : Институт гидробиологии НАН Украины , Украина 04120, г. Киев пр. Героев Сталинграда, 12; Protasov, Alexander А. : Institute of Hydrobiology of NAS of Ukraine , 12 Geroev Stalingrada, Kiev, Ukraine 04120;
- Keywords
- hydrobiology; periphyton; ecological groups of hydrobionts; fouling; ecomorphs
- Abstract
The concepts focused on research of ecological groups of hydrobionts are considered. On the basis of the hierarchical scheme of biotopic zones of hydrosphere the system of these ecological groups of hydrobionts is considered. The periphyton which is studied from the beginning of XX-th century until nowadays remains the group which status is a subject of discussions. The basic concepts of periphytology as one of hydrobiology sections are considered. Different hypotheses of evolution of ecological groups, in particular, periphyton are discussed.
- Pages
- 40-56
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/1795
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