Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Geopolitical Conflicts as a Result of Transformation of the Modern World Order: Reality and Prospects

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (6)
Sidorenko, Ekaterina V.
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Sidorenko, Ekaterina V.:Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia; E-mail:
geopolitical space; regional conflict; forced globalization; mondialism; civilization; subjects of globalization; objects of globalization; geopolitical conflict; globalization world order

This article explores the current direction of modern geopolitics associated with conflicts of our time. In particular, attention is paid to the analysis of the origins of the aggressive policy of the leading world countries, especially the United States. The authors argue that one of the principal causes of today’s regional conflicts that could potentially develop into the world conflicts is the concept of “universal values.” The author focuses on the fact that the initiator of such conflicts may be the subjects of globalization. The forcible imposition of such Westernistic standards gives rise to the active rejection in many countries. The threat of a geopolitical conflict is determined by the transnational information networks uniting the whole world space because ubiquitousness of the extremely intensive mass media and relatively high geographic mobility contribute to the emergence of zones of irrationality. The line between the internal and interstate conflicts existed for a long period of time, although it was not too severe. With the end of the Cold War this line rapidly began to get blurred: it is the limited conflicts of the internal internationalized nature that have become the main type of the military confrontation in the 90’s. At this, the internal internationalized conflicts have combined the most dangerous features of both international and internal conflicts. When analyzing the causes of geopolitical conflicts of the globalization era we should assume that the interaction of interests on the international scene is often conflicting in nature and it is impossible to remove the conflicts from political practices at all; it is necessary to learn how to manage them minimizing potential costs and damage. The Western policy of globalization aimed at the destruction of national cultures and practices of globalization in many ways is defined by the subjects of the globalization pressure seeking to impose their own standards to the world community. One of the most dangerous manifestations of the globalization pressure is the policy of “double standards”, the display of which is the use of force in international relations and the willingness to apply it in defiance of the international law. Due to the fact that the world is gradually losing its multipolarity, the globalization methods are becoming more open and aggressive. Fundamentals of stability of the modern system, its viability and activity are declared as derivatives of the state of the American resources, political will and intellect. At the beginning of the 21st century for the first time in a hundred years foreign countries started talking about the empire and imperial thinking without the usual liberal judgment accepting it as a real fact of political and cultural life The author shows that under the influence of the increasing “neo-Eurasianism” a large place in geopolitical constructions is given to the cultural, civilizational and confessional factors. Mankind is on the threshold of a qualitatively new and, therefore, unknown period of its development. On the one hand, the nature changing era is ending: the anthropogenic load approached the objective limit and a person begins to solve this problem by adapting himself to the environment. On the other hand, technology is breaking out from the social control, as it was during the transition from feudalism to capitalism carrying not just new social relations, but also a new face of the whole of humanity. Instead of the Westernistic world with dominating parameters of the Western rationalistic civilization, a new civilization is gradually formed on the basis of the organic combination of unity and indivisibility of the world community on the one hand, diversification and pluralism of peoples, cultures and religions, on the other. Real stability in the international community might be achieved if in solving regional conflicts we take into account the traditions and rely on time-tested international organizations. In this regard, it is important to see the natural aspiration of the peoples for integration as a guarantor of the occurrence of geopolitical conflicts while rejecting all attempts to forcibly impart the system of “Western values” to the peoples because it is fraught with all kinds of conflicts, including the nuclear one. The article states that when studying a geopolitical meaning of the contemporary conflicts it is necessary to consider that in modern Europe there are conflicts that are absolutely taboo for a “democratic discussion”. A range of opinions on the problem is also due to ignorance of the conceptual apparatus of the phenomenon under study and a free addressing with the associated scientific concepts. In other words, the study of the problems of globalism and globalization involves the development of a concerted and recognized concept about their nature and taking into account their free variations in the subsequent interpretation

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