Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / On the Issue of the Efficiency of Economic Education in the Globalized World

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (6)
Tsytskun, Tatiana S.
Contact information
Tsytskun, Tatiana S.:Kuban State University 36 Communist Str., Novorossiysk, 353900, Russia; E-mail:
economic education; efficiency; economic viability; globalized world; globalization processes; transnational sector of economics

The article studies the problems of efficiency of economic education in the globalized world. The author focuses on the most pronounced tendencies that characterize the specificity of reforms in the system of economic education in modern Russia. The main directions of improving the efficiency of those fields of the humanities, which create the conditions for economic modernization, are discussed

Paper at repository of SibFU

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