Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Transformation of Everydayness in the Modern Media Society

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (9)
Drozdova, Alla V.
Contact information
Drozdova, Alla V.:University for the Humanities 24a Surikova Str., Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russia; E-mail:
everydayness; visuality; self-identification; new media; public/private

Characteristic features of modern society – emerging of new forms of sociality, network communication – have given rise to “rediscovery” of everydayness initiated by modern human sciences. The search of new foundations for everyday reality studies came to replace metaphysical constructs of the previous age. Admitting polyvariety of the world, its being heterogeneous, social theory disclosed a complex structure of everydayness, its inability to be narrowed down to a certain abstract characteristics. Since it is in the man’s everyday world where transformations typical for the society manifest themselves, manifoldness of individual experiences and practices has become the subject matter of interdisciplinary analysis. Currently, with the development of new media and the increased contact density in daily life not only the nature of social communication has changed, but also the impact areas of visual information. Visibility has become an important part of everyday life, its images represent the lifestyle and types of relations, design the perception and the structure of the human consciousness, their particular way of seeing the world. In the epoch of “media reality”, everydayness is losing its stability and sustainability being ceaselessly exposed to superfast, mobile visual images. They act as a kind of patterns, models of everyday behaviour. Due to “technical repeatability” images can integrate into our life in no time replacing immediate experience, giving rise to the phenomenon of reality simulation. Through constructing and replacing reality, simplifying communication language, visual images are becoming, in essence, some universal cultural code and generate new ways of social interaction and communication acting herewith as a condition for social communities formation

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