Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / The Limits of True Knowledge (Metaphysical and Topological Aspects)

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (11)
Sekackiy, Alexander K.
Contact information
Sekackiy, Alexander K.:Saint Petersburg State University 7-9 Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia; E-mail:
Limits of truth; singularity; quantum objects

The present article studies the correlation of true cognition not with the performance of certain cognitive or probative procedures by a subject, but with the processes occurring to the object of cognition. Therefore, the limits of truth coincide with the inexhaustible regularity or with nature in the antique, or Kant’s interpretation. Opposite to science, art deals with principal singularity: its objects remain the objects of art as long as “they cannot be confused with anything else”. The present article considers some “illegal” cognitive intrusions, both “leftwards” from the limits of truth where the quantum objects (ensembles) are found, and “rightwards”, where the definiteness of the subject and the soul itself are determined

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