Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology / Structure, Evolution of the Biosphere and Possible Ways of Noospherogenesis

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2016 9 (3)
Protasov, Alexander A.
Contact information
Protasov, Alexander A.:Institute of Hydrobiology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 12 Geroyev Stalingrada av., Kiev, 04210, Ukraine; E-mail:
biosphere; evolution; biogeome; biosferomeron; ecosystem; noospherogenesis

The biosphere is complex of bioinert systems, the smallest structural unit of which is an ecosystem or biogeocoenosis. The biosphere has a hierarchical structure. Local ecosystems as the elementary units of the biosphere are combined into regional systems of similar ecosystems, which in turn make up biogeomes. The deductive approach to examining the structure of the biosphere is based on the allocation of V.I. Vernadsky life condensations and films in the structure of the biosphere. On this basis 4 biosferomerones are distinguished, including more than ten biogeomes of hydrosphere and land. In accordance with the structure, the development (evolution) of the biosphere is an irreversible succession of its structural elements – from ecosystems to biogeomes. This succession in the history of the biosphere looks like a series of separate states, which are observed or reconstructed on the basis of paleontological, paleoclimatic, geological data. The dynamic evolution system of the biosphere is formed by the trends of evolution as information channels, which determine the nature and direction of development in one or another aspect of evolution – genetic, ecomorphic, ecosystem and other. One of the most “young” trend is anthropo-cultural trend, a manifestation of which in the biosphere is the formation of anthropogenic ecosystems. They include not only alive and bioinert natural elements but also man-made elements. The basis of the noospherogenesis is a change of natural ecosystems by different types of man-made systems – technical, agricultural and urban ecosystems. Modern ecological crisis can be considered as a logical step in the evolution of the biosphere, preceding the transition to its new state – the noosphere

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