- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2016 9 (6)
- Authors
- Puzanov, Iliya I.; Zavadyak, Andrey V.; Klykov, Vladimir A.; Makeev, Anton V.; Plotnikov, Vadim N.
- Contact information
- Puzanov, Iliya I.:«RUSAL ETC» LLC 37/1 Pogranichnikov, Krasnoyarsk, 660111, Russia; E-mail: ; Zavadyak, Andrey V.:«RUSAL ETC» LLC 37/1 Pogranichnikov, Krasnoyarsk, 660111, Russia; Klykov, Vladimir A.:«RUSAL ETC» LLC 37/1 Pogranichnikov, Krasnoyarsk, 660111, Russia; Makeev, Anton V.:«RUSAL ETC» LLC 37/1 Pogranichnikov, Krasnoyarsk, 660111, Russia; Plotnikov, Vadim N.:«Industrial Automatics Systems» LLC 136 60 let Oktyabrya, 660079, Russia
- Keywords
- problem cell; current distribution; spike (point); pointed anode; anode grounding; ACD (Anode-Cathode Distance)
- Abstract
The aluminum reduction process control system in recent decades has given great opportunities for improving the collection and processing of signals that provide the basis for the adjustment of feeding, thermal balance and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability. Despite considerable development, there is a growing need for control sensors that can detect and respond to emerging changes. Since 2008, the cells operating in the RA-400 pilot area inside the Pilot Potroom at OJSC RUSAL Sayanogorsk have been using a system for continuous monitoring of information on anode current distribution. The system has been integrated in the ‘CAAT-2’ control system. In the course of industrial tests, the monitoring system was continuously improved – in terms of information reliability, and equipment operability in aggressive environments and during pot tending & maintenance operations. The obtained information on anode current distribution allowed for developing algorithms to detect, at an early stage, variations in cell alumina feeding, including further alumina re-distribution between feed points, and forecast and detect anode bottom problems (“spike”)
- Pages
- 788-801
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/21025
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