Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Attributive Pronouns in the Even language

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2016 9 (10)
Fedorenkova, Valeria S.
Contact information
Fedorenkova, Valeria S.:The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia 48 Nab. Reki Moiki, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia; E-mail:
Even language; morphology; semantic level of pronouns; attributive pronouns; pronominal words

The article discusses the problem of the status of attributive pronouns in the grammatical system of the Even language and analyses their semantic and functional features. The determination of the place of pronouns in the parts of speech system and the issue of their singling out as a separate part of speech remains controversial. Attributive pronouns include consolidative and distinguished words with dissimilar semantics: the qualifiers of the subject and object of the action, consolidation and differentiation, totality and completeness, which are categorically correlative with adjectives, nouns and adverbs. The author shows the lexical and semantic differences of attributive pronouns in the dialects of the Even language, indicates the forms of attributive and attributive-possessive pronouns in the Western dialects that are absent in the Eastern dialects of the Even language

Paper at repository of SibFU

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