- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2012 5 (2)
- Authors
- Naumenko, Elena N.; Khlopnikov, Mikhail M.; Rudynskaya, Liliya V.
- Contact information
- Naumenko, Elena N. : e-mail: ; Khlopnikov, Mikhail M. :; Rudynskaya, Liliya V. : Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (AtlantNIRO) , 5 Dm. Donskoy St., Kaliningrad, 236000 Russia
- Keywords
- Cercopagis pengoi; Vistula Lagoon; production; fish yield; food chain; energy flows
- Abstract
Energies of the Vistula Lagoon ecosystem is estimated based on observations made by authors in the northern Vistula Lagoon literature data. The pelagic and bottom communities are represented by euryhaline species: phytoplankton - 412, zooplankton - 74, zoobenthos - 43, fish - 54, Mean biomasses during the vegetation season (April-October) were: 6,2 (8,7 kJ) of phytoplankton, 2,5 (5,2 kJ) of zooplankton, 20,6 (61,8 kJ) g/m2 of benthos. Yield of aboriginal fish amounted to 1,4 tons/km2 (60 kJ/m2). Annual primary production was 14000, pure -3900; zooplankton and benthos production during vegetation period amounted to 300 and 1100 kJ/ m2, respectively. Ratios of production of planktonic crustaceans, benthos and fish catch to primary production were 2,3, 8,5 and 0,06 %, respectively. Yield of aboriginal fish is formed mainly due to detritus food chain.
- Pages
- 184-202
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/3078
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