Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry / Bauxite Residue Safety Disposal and Possibilities to Further Utilization. Part 1. Acid Soils Remediation

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry. 2017 10 (1)
Dobra, Gheorghe; Filipescu, Laurentiu; Anghelovici, Nicolae; Alistarh, Vicol; Iliev, Sorin; Cotet, Lucian
Contact information
Dobra, Gheorghe: VIMETCO ALUM SA 82 Isaccei Str., Tulcea, 820228, Romania; Filipescu, Laurentiu: VIMETCO ALUM SA 82 Isaccei Str., Tulcea, 820228, Romania; Anghelovici, Nicolae: VIMETCO ALUM SA 82 Isaccei Str., Tulcea, 820228, Romania; Alistarh, Vicol: VIMETCO ALUM SA 82 Isaccei Str., Tulcea, 820228, Romania; Iliev, Sorin: VIMETCO ALUM SA 82 Isaccei Str., Tulcea, 820228, Romania; Cotet, Lucian: VIMETCO ALUM SA 82 Isaccei Str., Tulcea, 820228, Romania;
bauxite residue; Albota acid soil; organic compost; maize; soil remediation; soil reshaping

This paper is presenting the investigations concerning a new approach in acid soil remediation by deep reshaping the land surface layer, in order to change its agrochemical composition and properties. Three property control adjuvant were used for this purpose: the bauxite residue for pH control, the organic compost as source of organic carbon and better control of the soil properties, and the NPK mineral fertilizers as source of main macronutrients. Doses of 15, 30 and 75 t bauxite residue/ha associated with 40 t/ha organic compost and 120 Kg N/ha + 60 Kg P2O5/ha + 40 Kg/ha K2O mineral fertilizers have generated reshaped acid soils with agrochemical properties close to average fertile soils. These new soils have promoted intensive vegetative growth in maize plants (waist, green mass and dried mass), as well as the high productions in cobs and grains. Harvested green mass, and cobs and grains contain macronutrients, micronutrients and heavy metals at normal concentration, usually found in maize

Paper at repository of SibFU