Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry / Casting Technology of Aluminium Alloys in an Electromagnetic Mould for the Production of Long Workpieces of Small Diameter

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry. 2017 10 (1)
Avdulov, Anton A.; Usinina, Galina P.; Sergeev, Nikolay V.; Gudkov, Ivan S.
Contact information
Usinina, Galina P.: “K&K” LLC 3 Berezina Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660020, Russia; Sergeev, Nikolay V.: “SRC Magnetohydrodynamics” LLC 9a Kirenskogo Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660074, Russia; Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia; Gudkov, Ivan S.: “SRC Magnetohydrodynamics” LLC 9a Kirenskogo Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660074, Russia; Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia
electromagnetic mold casting of metals in an electromagnetic field; aluminum alloys; electromagnetic influence on the melt; the high-frequency currents, granulated alloys

In this paper you see how casting speed in electromagnetic mould of aluminum alloy AMg6 effect to the structure and physical properties of the resulting workpiece diameter of 8 mm. Metallurgical defects in microstructure are not detected such as oxides, inclusions, porosity, despite the fact that the melt does not pass the pre-cleaning, i.e. not been processed refining flux, and other degassing. The used technology enhances the uniformity of the chemical composition of the ingots. It is established that ingots of small diameters cast into an electromagnetic crystallizer have a dispersed structure with a dendritic cell size of ~ 4 μm, which is characteristic for granulated aluminum alloys obtained with cooling rates of 103-104 °C/s. The cast material is obtained, which is equal to the deformed material

Paper at repository of SibFU