Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Dmitry Glukhowsky as a Brand: between Literary Creativity and Self-Representation

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2017 10 (5)
Kozak, Eva
Contact information
Kozak, Eva: Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities 39 Żytnia Str., Siedlce, 08-110, Poland;
Dmitry Glukhowsky; Russian literature of the 21st century; science fiction; literature in the internet

The present work attempts to examine the image of the modern Russian writer, Dmitry Glukhowsky, whose books have been translated to dozens of languages and have become base of computer games and many screen adaptations. Grate effort, like the literary output and advertising; have been connected with achieving this huge success. Undoubted influence on literary work of the Russian’s young generation writer had his education, journalist experience and unusually rich imagination inspired both by everyday events and also with creativity of notable representatives of the science fiction genre. General part of the presented article discusses the most important problematic aspects in Dmitry Glukhowsky’s work, particularly diversity of undertaken topics and unique poetics of individual novels and stories. Also, process connected with promotion and sharing books via separate web pages creation characterised with precise audio-visual editing, was mentioned here. Due to the undeniable literary value of Russian writer’s works as well as commitment with the aim of attractive and free of charge sharing his novel’s content, Glukhovsky’s output has become answer for 21st century reader’s demands

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