Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Rainman and Lieutenant Kizhe: Name in Second-Order Semiological System

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2018 11 (1)
Efimova, Nadezhda N.
Contact information
Efimova, Nadezhda N.: Irkutsk State University 1 Karl Marx Str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russia;
quasi-name; lapsus auris; addressor; addressee; mondegreen; myth; semiological system; World of Action; World of Value; internal time of ego; lapsus auris

The article sums up the analysis of quasi-names as a result of receptive distortion in the course of auditory perception. Rolan Barthes’ theory of second-order semiological system is applied to modeling cognitive procedures of sense reception and transformation. Individual concept dominating the receptor’s intentional horizon at a particular point of time correlates with internal time of ego and transforms the initial sense of the message into a new meaning. Algorithm of formation and functioning of second-order semiological system is tested as an instrument of individual myth creation. Study of individual quasi-names underlies general gnoseological view of concept’s myth-forming function not limited to ideological concept domain. Correlation between the signifier and the signified is investigated within the context of phenomenological identity attained through interiorization – bringing the sign in harmony with the internal time of ego

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