Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology / The New Method of Rhodamine Mark Detection and Its Application Possibilities in Zoological Studies

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2019 12 (4)
Tolkachev, Oleg V.; Bespamyatnykh, Elisey N.
Contact information
Tolkachev, Oleg V.: Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology UB RAS 202 8 Marta Str., Yekaterinburg, 620144, Russia; ; Bespamyatnykh, Elisey N.: Ural Scientific Research Veterinary Institute 112A Belinskogo Str., Yekaterinburg, 620142, Russia
biomarker; rhodamine B; marking

Rhodamine B is a perspective biomarker for unselective animal marking. Despite several successful attempts in practical use, the method is still under development. The critical problem is mark detection. We offer the new way of rhodamine mark detection which is simple, inexpensive and effective. White mouse were used as the model object. Instead of random hair sampling for fluorescent microscopy we suggest an inspection of animal’s whole body surface. For this aim it is possible to employ a green laser (usual laser pointer) as an illuminator and an orange glass or plastic as a filter in front of observer’s eyes. When testing the method it is revealed that in adult animals fluorescing areas soon after marking are usually less than half of the body surface, and being reduced over time. The maximum time interval in which the mark in the pelage was detectable during the examination of living mice ranged from 166 to 423 days. It was revealed that in suckling mice the mark can be formed by milk of females which received a dose of rhodamine B. In these cases the fluorescence manifests itself in whole or most part of the body surface. The mark remains in the fur of mouse cubs at least four months

Paper at repository of SibFU

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