- Issue
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2008 1 (1)
- Authors
- Fedjaev, Alexander A.; Fedjaeva, Valentina N.; Vidin, Yury V.
- Contact information
- Александр А. Федяев, Валентина Н. Федяева: Братский государственный университет,665709 Россия, Братск, ул. Макаренко 40; Юрий В.Видин: Сибирский федеральный университет, 660041 Россия, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79, e-mail:
- Keywords
- mathematical model; capillary-porous materials; external masstransfer; drying
- Abstract
The mathematical model software of the superficial evaporation, which allows to calculate the whole process of drying both in rigid and soft conditions of drying is developed in the paper. The universal boundary conditions for the mathematical model, that take account of the valid motive forces external masstransfer decrease, due to the superficial contents of water reduction are offered. The program testing is carried out on the basis of the experimental researches, analysing the influence of capillary-porous materials variable porosity and various physical properties of evaporated liquids, and the experimental data of other authors as well.
- Pages
- 68-75
- Paper at repository of SibFU
- https://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/727
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