Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies / Characteristic Features of Natural Electric Polarization of Rocks and Ores at Gold-sulphide Blagodatnoye Deposit (the Yenisey Мountain Ridge)

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies. 2008 1 (2)
Kolmakov, Yuriy V.; Sazonov, Anatoliy M.; Potehina, Elena V.; Leontjev, Sergey I.; Tishin, Platon A.; Gertner, Igor F.; Poleva, Tatiana V.
Contact information
Yuriy V. Kolmakov: Tomsk Polytechnic University , 30 Lenina pr., Tomsk, 634050 Russia, e-mail: ; Anatoliy M. Sazonov, Sergey I. Leontjev, Tatiana V. Poleva: Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia; Elena V. Potehina: Territorial Information Fund of Siberian federal district, Tomsk region branch; Platon A. Tishin, Igor F. Gertner: Tomsk State University, 36 Lenina pr., Tomsk, 634034 Russia
gold ore concentration; natural electric field; nature of anomalies; geo-electrochemical zonality

Natural electric field at the deposit has a structure of linear low doublet. Polarization potentials of extended mineralized zone range from -260 mV on the flank, which doesn’t contain commercial gold concentrations, to +30 mV on the opposite productive flank. The nature of anomalies is determined on the basis of magnetic survey and gamma-spectrometry results, analysis of geomorphologic conditions at the deposit and study of embedded fluid and mineralogical rock and ore composition. Electrochemical activity of rocks and ores depends on the content of metasomatic graphite and sulphide in their composition. The question concerning the convergence of geologic processes causing metasomatic graphitization is posed. It is assumed that gold ore structure oblique polarization causes heterogeneous reflection of sulphidation block in the natural electric field. It occurs mainly due to geo-electrochemical zonality of a structure with graphite appearance on the one flank and the increase of galenite-sphalerite paragenesis content in the productive strata on the other flank. This leads to considerable drop of electrode potentials of the polarizing body and, consequently, urges cathode and anode processes in its upper part. Anomalies caused by graphite are related to mineralized zone fragments. Maximum solution recovery was reached in these fragments during fluid system function. Fluid regime variability in relation to Eh-potentials could be one of the main reasons of ore mineralization zonality in the deposit and a favourable condition for gold concentration.

Paper at repository of SibFU

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