- The Effect of the Tilt Angle of the Slot Channel on Water Runofffull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Studies of the Thermal and Hydraulic Characteristics of the Heat Carrier of a Solar Air Heating Collectorfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Features of the Behavior of Precious Metals in the Sulfide-Alkaline Leaching of Arsenic-Antimony Concentratesfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Features of Barium and Strontium Titanates and Ferrites Synthesized from a Melt in a Solar Furnacefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Effect of Neodymium and Erbium on the Kinetics Oxidation of Zn0.5Al Zinc Alloy, in Solid Statefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Investigation of Tribological Properties of Polymer Composites Based on PTFE in the Dry Friction Mode and in the Medium of Liquid Lubricantsfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Modal Control of Asynchronous Electric Drive for a Trolley of a Bridge Crane with Observing Devicefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Synergetic Properties of the Interaction of the Vehicle with the Element of Road Infrastructure in Urban Driving Modesfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Analysis of the Dynamics of Heat Exchange at Different Power of the Unit Continuous Combined Casting and Pressing Aluminum Alloyfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Simulation and Calculation of Heat Transfer in Multilayer Wall Structures Based on Iterative Modelsfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Method for Assessment of Long-term Dynamics of NDVI on the Territory of the Krasnoyarsk Region Using MODIS/Terra Satellite Datafull text (.pdf) / abstract