- Thermophysical Aspects of the Use of Renewable Energy Resources for Power Supply of Buildings Under the Climatic Conditions of Mongoliafull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Energy Efficient Modular Block Diagram of an Air Heat Pump Heat Supply Systemfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Power Flow Control in Multi-Terminal Electrical Complexes, Taking Into Account the Effect of Dc Line Resistancefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Modernization of Stopping Ponds of the Enterprises of the Heat and Power Complex With the Use of Highly Selective Sorbents in Gabion Filtration Cassettesfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Modification of Silicon Carbide Ceramics by Hierarchical Systems “Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes-Silicon”full text (.pdf) / abstract
- Surface Treatment of Carbon Fiber Reinforcement to Increase Adhesion with Butadiene Elastomerfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Numerical Simulation of Flare Burning of Coal of a Micro-Mill in a Steam-Oil Burnerfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Synthesis of the Method of Hidden Homing of a Pair of Interceptors to an Aerial Targetfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Synthesis of a Filter of Phase-Domanipulated Signals with a Minimum Side-Lobe Levelfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Performance of Automatic Frequency Planning and Optimization Algorithm for Cellular Networksfull text (.pdf) / abstract