- Model Complex Processing Navigation Signals when they are Detected in Terms of Interfering Reflections from the Background Fluctuation Noisefull text (.pdf) / abstract
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- Synthesis of Optimum Algorithms of Aircraft Guidance at the Group Aerial Targetfull text (.pdf) / abstract
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- The Use of Thermal Imaging in Solving Problems of Modeling Radar Imagesfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- The Adaptive Algorithm Receiving Multipath Signals in the High Frequency Communication Channel Based on the Estimation of its Impulse Responsefull text (.pdf) / abstract
- A Methodical Approach to Determine the Accuracy of Electronic Intelligence with a View to Ensuring the Required Effectiveness of Electronic Countermeasures and Radio Electronic Protectionfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- Mathematical Model of the Process of Destruction of the Aircraft Guidance Missiles with Op-toelectronic System of Matrix Typefull text (.pdf) / abstract
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- Qualimetrical Models of Integrated Assessment of Safety of Functioning of Military and Technical Systemsfull text (.pdf) / abstract
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- Structuring Decision Problems in Automated Control Systems of Military Assignmentfull text (.pdf) / abstract
- The Method of Forming the Recognition Signs Based on the Wavelet Transform of Radar Range Portraitsfull text (.pdf) / abstract