Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. 2017 10 (3)

  1. The Methodology of Using Sediment Traps to Study Vertical Flux and Sinking Velocities of Suspended Particles of Large Size: Marine Snow, Fecal Pellets and Zooplankton Carcasses (a Review)
    p. 269-300; Dubovskaya, Olga P.; Buseva, Zhanna F.; Tolomeev, Aleksander P.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  2. Pollen Quality of Pinus sibirica Du Tour (Pinaceae) Mountain Populations in Arid and Humid Regions of Altai
    p. 301-311; Velisevich, Svetlana N.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  3. Psychophysiological and Adaptive Characteristics of Children and Teenagers Living in the Far North
    p. 312-322; Kondakova, Olesya E.; Shilov, Sergei N.; Kirko, Vladimir I.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  4. Effect of Biological and Chemical Fertilization on the Yield and Nutrients of Moldavian Balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) Seeds
    p. 323-332; Rahimzadeh, Saeedeh; Sohrabi, Yousef; Pirzad, Alireza; Sheykhbaglou, Roghayyeh
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  5. Introduction of Microbiocenosis in Agroecosystem for Increasing the Plant Productivity
    p. 333-342; Somova, Lydia A.; Mikheeva, Galina A.; Pechurkin, Nikolay S.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  6. Skeletal Anomalies in Juveniles of Siberian Grayling Thymallus arcticus (Pallas, 1776) from the Mana River (Middle Yenisei River System) under Artificial and Natural Reproduction
    p. 343-357; Yablokov, Nikita O.
    full text (.pdf) / abstract
  7. Comparative Study of the Toxic Effect of Cadmium and Nickel on the Active and Resting Stages of Cladoceran Moina macrocopa
    p. 358-372; Lopatina, Tatiana S.; Bobrovskaya, Nadezhda P.; Oskina, Natalia A.; Zadereev, Egor S.
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