Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology / Information for Authors

Submission and reviewing of the articles for publication in Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology are managed by means of the specialized web-site:

On receiving the galley-proofs, the corresponding author should send a completed and signed license agreement (.doc) to the editorial office. A scanned copy of the agreement can be sent by electronic mail to

Article Submission Guidelines

1. General requirements

1.1. The main text of the manuscript is prepared in DOC or RTF format; required font size is 12 with 1.5 spacing.

1.2. The manuscript should not exceed 50 pages for theoretical reviews and discussion papers and 25 pages for other materials. These include tables, illustrations and a list of references.

1.3. Illustrations are submitted as separate TIFF, GIF, JPEG, EPS, DOC or PPT files.

2. Essential title page information

  • Title. The title of the article should be concise and contain information that would be of interest to a broad science community. Full names of organisms in Latin (genus and species) are given with indication of their belonging to higher taxa (except for well-known species such as Drosophila melanogaster, Escherichia coli, etc.).
  • Authors’ names and affiliations. Full names are given as in the examples: John S. Smith, Mary Brown. Full affiliation of each author including the postal address must be provided.
  • Corresponding author. An author who will handle all correspondence should be clearly indicated and the e-mail address of the corresponding author must be provided.
  • Abstract. The abstract length must be between 200 and 250 words.
  • Keywords. Four to six keywords are provided after the abstract.

3. Abstract

3.1. The purpose of an abstract is to give the reader a clear idea of what has been achieved in the research.

3.2. As abstracts are often presented separately from the article, an abstract should be concise and fully reflect the content of the article, including the background to the study (introduction), aims and objectives, methods, results and conclusion. Only in reviews and other large-scale publications an abstract can list the main issues discussed but not the results.

3.3. The text must be presented as a single paragraph with no subsections and include the following elements:

  • Introduction. An abstract usually starts from a description of the general topic and significance (novelty) of the research, its background and limitations of previous studies which are addressed in this research.
  • Aim. The aim of the study or research question and the hypothesis which is tested.
  • Methods. Methods are described briefly. A detailed description is necessary only in cases when the article describes a new method, approach, etc., or if non-standard methods that were applied in the study. Avoid general phrases, list the exact methods, techniques, procedures, etc.
  • Results. Main results are presented in a brief and concise manner with an emphasis on the most important results demonstrating the achievement of the research objective. Quantitative indicators may be included in the abstract if they are the main result of the study.
  • Conclusion. This part usually contains main conclusions, generalisations and recommendations that follow from the study, a description of the theoretical and practical significance of the findings. It is also recommended to show the contribution of your research to the relevant field of science.

3.4. Abstract should not contain any references to bibliography, tables or figures.

3.5. Abbreviations (except for commonly used, such as DNA, NADP, etc.) should be avoided. Essential non-standard abbreviations must be defined at their first appearance.

3.6. Full Latin names of species must be given, their belonging to a higher taxon, for example, Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda: Crustacea) is indicated if necessary; species authorities are indicated only when it is crucial for understanding the content of the article.

4. Article structure

4.1. The main text of the article may begin on the title page.

4.2. The text of the article should be clearly divided into sections with the exception for brief reviews and communications. The Editorial Board welcomes traditional division into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections. A different structure is also acceptable depending on the character of a particular article, on condition that the division is reasonable and the sections are clearly titled.

4.3. Non-standard abbreviations are defined at their first appearance.

4.4. All mathematical formulae and special characters must be precise, units of measurements and quantity dimensions must be indicated.

4.5. The full Latin name of a species (generic name, specific epithet and species authority) is given at the first appearance.

5. References

5.1. References in the text must be given as follows: "... (Schulte, 1989) ... " or "... according to Rothmaler (1976) ... ". No initials of the author are required.

5.2. The list of references is given after the main text of the article and begins with a new page. Sources are listed alphabetically; papers of the same author are ordered chronologically. For references to works published in a language other than English, the information about the language of publication is given in the end, e.g. (in Spanish).

5.3. References to several papers by the same author are listed in chronological order using letter indices to denote different papers published in the same year, e.g. (Schafer, 1984,1985b) or Kang (1989, 1996).

5.4. References to several papers by different authors are listed in chronological order and separated with a semicolon: (Fogg, 1965; Verbet, 1995; Harman, 1994).

5.5. The abbreviation et al. is used after the name of the first author when referring to a collaborative work by more than two authors: Tufail et al. (1989); Boyd et al. (1994). The page is indicated in the reference when a text is quoted directly.

Reference examples

  • Journal article

    Schaffer W.M., Smith W.W. (1985) Order and chaos in ecological systems. Ecology, 11: 93-106

    Harman D. (1994) Aging: prospects for further increases in the functional life span. Age, 17: 119–146

  • Book

    Berryman A.A. (1981) Population systems: a general introduction. New York, Plenum Press, 222 p.

    Sykes B. (2001) The seven daughters of Eve: the science that reveals our genetic ancestry. W.W.Norton & Company Inc., 320 p.

  • Book chapter

    Steinbuchel A. (1991) Polyhydroxyalkanoic acids. Biomaterials: novel materials from biological sources. Byrom D. (ed.) New York, Stockton, p. 124-213

    Zarmi Y., Bel G., Afalo C. (2013) Theoretical analysis of culture growth in fat-panel bioreactors: the essential role of timescales. Handbook of microalgal culture. Applied phycology and biotechnology. Richmond A., Hu Q. (eds) Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, p. 205–224

6. Tables

6.1. Tables are given on a separate page after the list of references and numbered in accordance with their appearance in the text. All tables must be clearly titled.

6.2. The text part of the table is typed with 2 intervals, without didiving horizontal lines except for the line separating the column heading from the data presented in the table. All columns must have clear headings.

6.3. To save space, abbreviations are possible but they must be explained in the footnotes below the table.

6.4. Table data should not completely duplicate the main text.

7. Figures

7.1. All illustrations whether these are pictures, graphs or photos are referred to as “figures” and numbered according to the order of appearance in the text.

7.2. Drawings, graphs and photographs should be sharp, no larger than A4 size.

7.3. A list of captions to the figures must be provided on a separate page after the main text. It should contain a detailed description of all symbols, captions and measuring units.

8. Copyright permission

For illustrations or tables from other sources included in the article, it is necessary to provide a copy of a written permission from the copyright owner(s). The source of the material must be credited at the end of the figure caption.

Submission Checklist

Please ensure that the following items are included in the manuscript:

  • Title page: full article title, authors’ names and affiliations including postal addresses and the e-mail address of the corresponding author
  • Abstract (200-250 words)
  • Keywords
  • The main text of the article
  • List of references
  • All tables with titles, descriptions, footnotes
  • All figures with relevant captions, as separate files

Ensure that all references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa, all figures are fully labelled, all permissions have been obtained for the use of copyright material, suggested reviewers’ and their contact details are provided.
